If we were building center management software today…what would it look like?
No question about it, that kind of software would be easy and simple, giving you the ability to enter and access information anywhere at any time.
Because a file cabinet won’t fit in your pocket or purse, Next Level is perfect to use in your center, take on the go, or hand to a client for intake wherever you meet her.
It would look like Next Level, and that day would be today.
Designed by a team of professional healthcare software developers, Next Level closes the loop from receptionist to client, to advocate and nurse—all in real time. Whether you’re meeting a client in your office, a church parking lot or on the go, your data is always secure and available at the tap of a finger.
Next Level has been certified HIPAA compliant by HIPAA One and is crafted to manage pregnancy help efforts of all stripes—medical, resource, linear, mobile units, and more!

Client Intake & Information
Always know the latest on each client, from intake to every step of your ongoing service to your client.

Appointments & Events
Manage your calendar of client services and Center staff events.

Powerful Reporting
View, drill down, and report on crucial client information.

Physician Portal
Physicians can review and sign off on ultrasound tests and images.

Unlimited Document Upload
You can attach and share an unlimited amount of documents from ultrasound images to signed forms.

Client & Staff Modes
Toggle between client and staff mode on a tablet so you or she can securely enter and update client information while she's sitting knee-to-knee with you.

Service Units
The first tool on the market to track Service Units, Next Level™ provides you with a way to track and report the services provided to each client.

Client Risk Tracker
Track and report each client's abortion risk assessment.

Client Rewards Tracker
Keep an eye on and manage the redeeming of rewards and incentives for each client.

Notifications abound in Next Level™ to ensure that crucial actions like a request for service does not fall through the cracks.

Medical Information Access
Next Level™ is built to prevent unauthorized access to client medical information. Only staff with a medical role can access medical information.